FCP Report No. 24

Review of Contemporary Approaches to Fatigue Damage Analysis


D. F. Socie and JoDean Morrow
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


A review of current methods for fatigue damage analysis employing smooth specimen materials data for predicting the service life of components and structures subjected to variable loading will be presented. It is written for the beginner in this area of fatigue damage analysis rather than for experienced practitioners. Special emphasis is placed on the detailed elements of the analysis, as well as the overall pattern for synthesizing these elements into a working computer-based program.

Most of the pertinent literature in this field is less than ten years old and often difficult for the novice to locate. For this reason, key papers are cited as a guide to publications and useful data sources. Our purpose is to provide the reader with a single document containing, as nearly as possible, all the information required to implement the current state of the art damage analyses.

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